Explosions can cause an enormous amount of damage and can lead to serious injuries for victims. There are innumerable ways that explosions can cause injuries. This can include injuries caused directly by the blast injuries from impacts with debris. However, victims often experience crush injuries that can cause serious damage to their bodies. At the Doan Law Firm, our explosion injury attorneys want to discuss crush injuries and what victims can do to secure compensation.
After an explosion causes a devastating crush injury, you need help from an attorney with vast experience handling cases similar to yours. You can count on the Doan Law Firm to be there.
An attorney is often necessary for a crush injury case because a victim does not have the resources or legal knowledge to properly investigate what happened. An explosion injury attorney will be responsible for:
A crush injury is an injury that occurs due to force or pressure put onto a body part. These injuries most often occur when the body is squeezed between two heavy objects. These injuries occur in an explosion incident, not due to the blast wave itself, but due to the damage caused by the explosion.
An explosion can cause large pieces of debris to fall onto a victim. In some cases, an explosion could cause a room or entire building to collapse, leading to a person being trapped underneath the rubble. A victim could end up pinned under concrete, wood, steel, and more.
Crush injuries can cause blunt force trauma damage to a victim. They can also cause a person to lose blood flow to a part of their body for an extended period of time. A person who sustains a crush injury could very well suffer from:
If you or somebody you love has sustained a crush injury that was caused by an explosion, you may be entitled to significant compensation. At the Doan Law Firm, our skilled and experienced team will investigate the incident in order to secure any compensation you may be entitled to. This can include the following:
If you or a loved one has suffered serious, life-altering crush injuries, please contact us immediately to discuss your case. We want to help you receive the support and compensation you deserve in this trying time.